Thursday, March 13, 2008

CONCLUSION: a future for klong?

After describing 3 different places, it seems that the more rural a place is, the greater the connection between the people and the klongs. For example in Phra Pradeang, we see that rive travel is part and parcel of the villagers’ lives.
Yet similar in Singapore, as a city develops, the rivers and canals lose its importance in comparison to trains and cars and airplanes. Bangkok, “Venice of the East” could benefit with the renaissance of klongs in the city, recreational spaces could be created along the Chao Phraya and klongs to bring life to the city, like Clark Quay in Singapore, Shanghai Bund in China and The Han River in Seoul.

1 comment:

Timo Travel said...

It is something i would really like to see. Myself i travel everyday with the riverboat. I'm also walking along the klong when it's appropriate and i love to watch houses and what people do over there. Sometimes i just sit down watch the passing ferries and the passing people. Even thou how horribly they smell sometimes they are absolutely one of my favourite spots hanging around in, in Bangkok. Nice reading.